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Friday, August 21, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!
I dont knw i if i wanna continue or nt!!!

Hi today i sat for my S.S n chemistry

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Today i had my prelim Oral Exam.
Its abt language in general...i tink.
nth much today...jus carrying on wit my life...

Wats wrong? wat is the matter?
I feel as if...
pressuring...pressure and pressure
I thought....sigh...i think too much
but isit gonna happen? If it happens then i'll stop...
waste of my breath, waste of my time, waste of my 'wink'
its like effort go wasted down the drain......
I dunnoe if im gonna stay on like tis....its stupid and silly..
if u dun wanna continue...go nt forcing u
i thought after O'level?

Saturday, July 11, 2009



n stayed up late for the wholeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


nah i wont take forever...besides....its a step-by-step procedure..
to knw....hehe...
nvm if it takes forever...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It doesnt take forever to knw a person u love better.....
Its just there is a certain to knw n to knw it for sure....
I've been rude n naughty...
I've been stupid n nonsensical
I dun wanna lose someone...

tats what im thinkin rite nw
its been alot of obstacles these days...sigh,,,
alot...of it...time constraint...time management need to be done..n
cant turn back time....wats done its done...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Today, i was so fed up that i lost something which is very important to me.
Kept finding high and low bt to no avail..sigh

Today....i didnt do much...chemistry n geo..n play com....tats all
n thnking...

Ku hanya cintai wanita itu sahaja, bukan wanita yg lain...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


What makes you different

Makes you beautiful

What's there inside you

Shines through to me

In your eyes i see all the love i'll ever need

What makes you different , maeks you beautiful to me

Today , H1N1=hot 1 new 1, virus spreading worldwide...

AIYAH....dont talk abt it....

sigh...i feel so uneasy coz of the virus...or isit me ald...

i dunnnoe..maybe i need a checkup soon.. Siva is official english teacher....

everyone seems happy abt it...(KNNCCB , 'O' lvl coming still want to happy ) haha

jk...i must work hard...i must work hard i must work hard


i juz got the dota CD from Fir...i played for awhile..then slp..ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
I juz wanna stay as it is from now onwards....juz keep it..till ...u knw rite

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I still need you
I still care about you
Though everthing's been said and done
I still feel you , like I'm right beside you
But still no words from you

Hey hey hey...
Today , i err....
woke up do revision..then go out wit ws , slack...
bt b4 tat i went to T1 find out the latest pc games ever...
new released is Prototype....this intense game is for those who loves violence n gore n blood spilled all over n lots of vulgarities...haha...i havent install it yet bt .....i'll be playing it sooon..

ok...nobody knows hu i love..haha..
my mom la...haha..duh...
there is one time...she gav it to me, bt i push it back
Y? y i push it back? I'm suppose to take it..nt push it back
im so stupid..
hope she forgiv me...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

tis my own lyrics

I'm tired of life..
I'm tired of being myself
With all the misery filled in my heart
I don't wanna be this way all the time

Friday, June 5, 2009

I close the door
Like so many times, so many times before
Filmed like a scene on the cutting room floor
I wanna let you walk away tonight without a word

I try to sleep, yeah
But the clock is stuck on thoughts of you and me
A thousand more regrets unraveling OOoh,
if you were here right now,
I swear I’d tell you this

[Chorus:] Baby I don’t wanna waste another day
Keepin in inside, it’s killing me
Cause all I ever wanted comes right down to you (to you)
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you, every time you leave
I’m inconsolable

today is as usual..go dnt ...go home
watch hw...pplay games

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much i love you
One thing youcan be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love

Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You to know by now how much i love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing' gonna change my love for you

how r u?
yeah fine.. i played Devil may cry 4..
i told my lil' bro to record the video of my gameplay..
from i can see is that when i compare wit my style of " fighting" n other peoples'
err....i think im still the same
n yeah..abt my need for speed carbon drifting..i 4get to
its totally pointless coz drifting needs more tries than a single bit of a try tats y
anyway...its the start of my..((&%%#$ $%#&#*
n also(*&%$***) watch out

Monday, May 25, 2009

the retard

Nothing’s gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I’ll never ask for more than your love(oohh)
(I'll nvr give up)

Hi everyone
today there is this 'career' fair in our was great though
1st is about engineering school at temasek was okok , nice n we listen to
the speakers...
the 2nd part was tremendously great....this man who is called jeff..i think.
is a Sp*&$%@..... haha...he jump down the stage , went up the stage..n talk like a R55645
and jump down again...n threw a question at each one of us( btw 4E is also there)
....i love the part where he gets near to athirah...n she tries to push him away...
HAHAHA..fuckin funny..hehe...
he also said that if anyone of us nvr ask question..he will beat up Shawn..hahah
" you want blood or you want(i 4get)"
but now we learn more about psychology after getting the jest of it from him..haha
well other speakers are quite okok..but starting to get restless..
well tats all folks..